The arche-lithic; or, possibility spaces in math, anthropology, and literature
Hello out there! I’m thrilled to be starting this website. I just uploaded some past and current writing projects to the Essays and Art page. Please check them out and comment here with any thoughts – I’d love to hear what you think. I think one of the most important concepts out there is what Tim Morton’s Dark Ecology (philosopher and activist, check them out) calls the arche-lithic . It describes an always-present possibility space for how humans can relate to the things swirling around us, like birds and rocks and ice cube trays and other humans. And as I’m reading The Dawn of Everything , it’s becoming clear to me how critical ‘thinking the arche-lithic’ is to addressing the planetary crisis we’re in. So we have the Paleolithic (‘old rock’ living, like hunting and foraging) and the Neolithic (‘new rock’ living, aka grain-based agriculture), which extends into the modern era (whatever that means). The Dawn of Everything upends these simple categories, asking 1) why are we so focus...